Services & Methods

Real Clear Procedures


Real Clear Procedures

Market Trends Pacific can design and conduct a variety of study types and data collection to measure satisfaction, loyalty and other metrics among internal and external Cs depending on the particular needs of our clients.

We also offer several different kinds of Data Analysis to examine and interpret the results of customer feedback.

Advertising Branding and Positioning Testing


Community Attitude Surveys

Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Market Feasibility

New Product/Service Testing

Public Opinion Polling

Social and Economic Impact Studies

Ongoing Tracking Studies

Data Collection Methods

Executive-Level Interviewing

These one-on-one interviews, conducted by senior-level interviewers, provide in-depth qualitative results, as respondents tend to be decision-makers in a high level position.

Focus Groups

Our focus groups consist of a topic-focused informal group discussion, among eight to ten participants, which is led by a moderator.

In-Person Interviewing (CAPI)

In our Computer Aided Personal Interview, (CAPI) one-on-one interviews are conducted with the aid of a computer

Intercept Interviewing

Respondents are intercepted at a given location and surveys are administered face-to-face.

Telephone Interviewing (CATI)

These customer surveys are conducted over the telephone with the support of a computer.

Mail Surveys

Surveys are mailed to respondents and self-administered.

Web-based Surveys

Respondents can log on 24/7 within the prescribed survey timeframe to answer the survey, which is self-administered over the Internet.

Mystery/Secret Shops

Mystery Shoppers significantly improves customer service awareness, helping you obtain an unbiased opinion of how they are perceived by their customers and therefore a clear look at what attracts your customer –and what repels them.

We have years of experience of hiring, training, and properly compensating the shoppers; and then collecting, tabulating and analyzing the results.

Types of Data Analysis


Descriptive Analysis

Descriptive Analysis is the presentation of data with charts and graphs that helps describe and illustrate relevant patterns that may be lurking or developing within the data. Although it is additional layers of interpretation, because of the visual aids, it provides an easier, simpler understanding of the data.

Cluster and Discriminant Analysis

Cluster and Discriminant Analysis are categorization methods for classification of the data –such as market segments, for example- that allows a sharper focus on the data for specific questions you want answered.

Conjoint Analysis

Conjoint analysis determines how people value different attributes (features, functions, benefits) for a product or service. This is then organized into strength rankings, in order of importance to the subject(s) of the study.

CHAID Analysis

CHAID Analysis is a predictive analytical technique designed to demonstrate how profiled market segments will respond to changing variables. Also known as a “decision tree,” the data is highly visual and easy to interpret.

Perceptual Analysis

Perceptual analysis, or “mapping” is a technique that displays the perceptions of a company’s customers (or potential customers) towards a product, service or brand in relation to the competition.